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Connichi 2017 AMV-/GMV-Contest - WINNERS ANNOUNCED Zonaam11Log in
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Connichi 2017 AMV-/GMV-Contest - WINNERS ANNOUNCED

 :: ZonaAMV :: Eventos y Concursos

Masculino Posts : 14
Nivel 0 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop Cinema 4D
Connichi 2017 AMV-/GMV-Contest - WINNERS ANNOUNCED ConnichiAMVContestjpg

Deadline: August 9, 2017

English Rules: LINK
German Rules: LINK

For questions or help please contact:

Winners and Finalists of 2016

The Connichi video contest is the biggest and longest running AMV-Contest in Germany. Videos can compete in up to four categories. You may send up to five videos (three AMVs, one GMV and one Cosplay Video). Here are the basic rules:

Exclusive AMV-Contest:
Exklusiver Wettbewerb

- ONE AMV submission per participant
- The AMV must not be released online on sites such as A-M-V.org or YouTube before September 24, 2017 (date of Connichi 2017)
- Intro, outro and credit videos are not permitted
- The video must not contain any hints or credits towards the editor (the judging will be done anonymously by the editors and crowd).

Open AMV-Contest:
Freier Wettbewerb

- TWO AMV submissions per participant
- The AMVs must not have premiered before August 9th, 2016 (deadline of Connichi 2016)

(Open) Games-Music-Video-Contest:

- ONE game music video submission per participant
- The GMV must not have premiered before August 9th, 2016 (deadline of Connichi 2016)

(Open) Cosplay-Video-Contest:

- ONE cosplay video submission per participant
- Each video needs to be at least 90 seconds long and must not exceed 15 minutes
- The Cosplay Video must not have premiered before August 9th, 2016 (deadline of Connichi 2016)

Fun Facts:
Read the rules. It's only one page. We tried to keep them as short as possible so you don't have to waste time on them.
Connichi AMV-Contest never had an issue with nudity or violence in AMVs. Your videos will get judged by their quality.
The contest will be live streamed here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/connichi
There are certificates for all the winners and usually there also is a glass trophy for the winner of the exclusiv AMV-Contest.
Musterbrand.com is the main Sponsor of the Connichi exclusive and open AMV Contest. If you happen to win a Musterbrand.com voucher but don't attend Connichi we will E-Mail you the voucher code as well as a pdf to your certificate.
If you're looking for a proxy at Connichi to pick up and ship your physical prizes please check out the Discord channel of the german AMV Community. Most of the editors over there do attend Connichi every year.

Good luck!

Última edición por Cenit el Miér 27 Sep 2017, 6:53 pm, editado 4 veces
Masculino Posts : 14
Nivel 0 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop Cinema 4D
Congratulations to all the winners of Connichi 2017 AMV- and GMV-Contest. Here are the results:


Exclusive AMV-Contest:
Exklusiver AMV-Wettbewerb

1. Place: JadeCharm, ceddic - Polyamorie
(also winner judges-/audience- and editor's choice)
2. Place: Shirahiko, zest - the d!ck only makes it better
3. Place: VideoBeats - A Shared Path
4. Place: Kiriforce, MelanieMurderous - Fate/None
5. Place: shaddric - Gurren LaDuck
6. Place: xBitterSweetful - Mahoutsukai no yome – Only you
7. Place: Eazy - …ship
8. Place: Noss - A.CB.
9. Place: leolide - wizardo
10. Place: Miso - Shady Memories
11. Place: Apus - Long Way Home
12. Place: Aiko - VR Adventure With The Sun
13. Place: Animemation - Never walk alone
14. Place: JCD - Your Legend
15. Place: Lapskaus - Track 4
16. Place: Rickertz - Sunny
17. Place: Radical_Yue - Going Digital
18. Place: Kyou - Royal Runners
19. Place: Isabel - Keima is a Womanizer – NOT!
20. Place: iuby - a summer on tape

Open AMV-Contest:
Freier AMV-Wettbewerb

1. Place: zest - Karton
2. Place: AntaresHeart07 - Anime MasterChef
3. Place: Shirahiko, zest - Fetish Fever
4. Place: Pic4arts, Eazy, JadeCharm - Valkyrie
5. Place: MinetChan - DeepEnd
6. Place: MrNosec - Numinous

Open GMV-Contest:

1. Place: drewaconclusion - Super Jiggy Bros
2. Place: xSnowflakes - Protectors of the Crystal
3. Place: Rockerangel - The legend of Zelda - Ahnen

Última edición por Cenit el Miér 27 Sep 2017, 6:55 pm, editado 3 veces
Masculino Posts : 1797
Nivel 1 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop
interesting, thanks for sharing =)
Masculino AMV Crítico

Posts : 1507
Nivel 2 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop Cinema 4D
Amazing  HappyDance
Esencia de Iris
Femenino Posts : 306
Nivel 1 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop Ninguno. Por ahora!

Esencia de Iris

Sáb 27 Mayo 2017, 2:00 am
Mmmm ¬w¬ creo que si alcanzo para otro AMV... a darle con todo :3
Masculino Posts : 14
Nivel 0 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop Cinema 4D
The Deadline has been extended by a week to August 9. Good luck to all participants!
Masculino Posts : 14
Nivel 0 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop Cinema 4D
The finalists have been announced. Check the second post for more informations.
Masculino AMV Crítico

Posts : 1507
Nivel 2 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop Cinema 4D


Lun 28 Ago 2017, 9:29 pm
Cenit escribió:The finalists have been announced. Check the second post for more informations.

Thank you!!
Masculino Posts : 2119
Nivel 0 Vegas y Premiere Adobe After Effects Photoshop e Illustrator Ninguno. Por ahora!
too bad for me i did not see it on time.
Masculino Posts : 14
Nivel 0 Sony Vegas Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop Cinema 4D
The winners have been announced. Check the second post for more informations.

Contenido patrocinado

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