Your video must be AT LEAST 1 minute and 30 seconds in length, of purely editing.
Minimum duration for MEPs/Collabs → 2:00 (2 minutes)
If you do a MEP/Collab your video must be AT LEAST 2 minutes in length, of purely editing.
Accepted file formats → .mp4 / .mkv / .mov / .avi
Please try to stick to these standard containers (as well as codecs). If we can't open your video due to whatever reason, we won't judge it
IC Submission Rules
Like the past two years, this IC will also be anonymous. What does that mean? It basically means that the judges won't know who they're judging. As to both avoid any sort of negative/positive prejudice purely based on name recognition. And to ensure as relatively fair voting as we can possibly give you! But, how do you stay anonymous, and what won't count as being anonymous? Let me break it down for you:
Your video can not include your name, the name of a studio or anything that else that could make it really easy for people to know who exactly edited the video.
1. Remove your name from intros/outros if they're a part of the video. 2. Don't include studio/team intros in the video you submit. 3. And please, refrain from posting screenshots of your work anywhere else than #editing-help. I'm the only judge who can check that room. but I'll obviously be staying out of it. Scout's Honour. But we also want you to be able to get help from your fellow editors, so please feel free to use it!
Uploads before the release of the results are NOT allowed. If they were, they'd be contradicting the who, anonymity schtick. You'll be DQd if we stumble upon your video. Please be patient, we'll have everything judged as fast as we can!
If you do a MEP/Collab, mark it in the name of the file. I'll explain further down.
TBA (To Be Announced) We'll make an announcement in #announcements when we get them sorted. We'll try to get something worth your while - but also something we can potentially customize to you. If a MEP or a collab wins a prize, the winners must sort out how they'll get the prizes in-between themselves.
Now, submission is obviously a very important part of this whole IC process... So here's how we'll go about it! Name your file according to this template → [Editor(s)] - Title - [Category]
Example: [xKouhai] - TheBestAMVEver420 - [Action]
Now if you have done a MEP/Collab: [MEP xKouhai and his buddies] - TheBestMEPCollabEver69 - [Drama/Romance]
When you're finished with all that, submit your video via e-mail (I know, ancient...) to → Please use either
We will not accept any other file-hosting site for this IC. The subject of the e-mail should be exactly like your filename. With only a link/attachment in the body of the message.
To: Subject: [xKouhai] - TheBestAMVEver420 - [Action] Body:
If you've submitted correctly you'll receive a confirmation reply.
Regarding anonymity; when you submit your entry. The collector will make a copy of your file, and remove the name from it and ship it to the judges. That way, the judges will judge the video, and the collector will keep track of who did what. P.S. if you wanna re-submit your entry, DM @UnDev beforehand so he can manually re-confirm your resubmission. Otherwise we'll use your first submission.
The IC will start by releasing the songpacks April 9th 20:00 GMT+2 and it will officially end April 13th 00:00 GMT+2 With possible extensions. But no promises.
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